Selected videos

Fair sharing in the investment in telecom infrastructures

Seminar with Anna Renata Pisarkiewicz (EUI), Bruno Basalisco (Copenhagen Economics), Georgios Mavros (Google), Wolfgang Kopf (Deutsche Telekom)

Failing firm defense in times of COVID-19 economic crisis 

Roundtable with Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London), Assimakis Komninos (White & Case), Pierre Régibeau (Chief Economist, DG Competition, European Commission) 

IoT solutions for the post COVID-19 era 

Roundtable with Salvatore Loreto (Ericsson), Enrico Scarrone (TIM), Tony Shakib (Microsoft)

I limiti etici della proprietà intellettuale

Intervento a "Mani Visibili - Le Giornate Di Economia Marcello De Cecco" 3° Ed. 

Op-Eds & other writings